Productivity Club

Do you feel at times that you are not really in charge of your time nor your life? That you are merely “busy”, often stressed, or at times even burnt out? Are you just complying with other people’s demands, the requirements of your job, or the obligations to your family? Do you miss time for yourself, the ability to start what you have finished or the energy to do what you would like to do with your loved ones? It’s time for the PRODUCTIVITY CLUB.

How to get in charge of your Time and your Life

For people who feel overwhelmed, burnt out, bored, unproductive, stressed or love to procrastinate:

Learn these easy to apply, powerful Strategies.

  • You will feel in charge of your time and of your life.
  • You will free up hours every day to take on your favourite project, or to make more money.
  • You will feel the joy of having more time to play with your loved ones.
  • You will make this long-term dream of yours come true.
No problem. Become a member of the Productivity Club. Start small. Pick 2 or 3 of these powerful strategies , and watch what happens. As a little bonus I’m going to give you my private Productivity Self Evaluation Quiz at the end of the webinar.
This quiz will show you exactly where you are in “managing” your time and what to do next.
In order to become a member of the PRODUCTIVITY CLUB, join us for our next (monthly) PRODUCTIVITY WEBINAR (or watch it on demand).

Free Productivity Webinar

Here is a glimpse of What you will learn during the webinar:

  • How to swim in turbulent times when businesses are still struggling getting back on their
  • How to jump out of bed early and create a competitive advantage using your Energy Cycles.
  • How to say good bye to Multitasking and Procrastinating and what to do instead.
  • How to eliminate your Energy Vampires and produce boundless Enthusiasm.
  • How to develop Laser like Focus and finish timely your task at hand.
  • How to catapult your productivity using the Power Tower Method and 2.5 solution.
  • How to set up a Failure Proof Plan to make your success automatic.
  • How to win 1 hr. more free time daily without killing yourself.

This is for YOU to be in control of YOUR time, you will have achieved more by noon that your peers during the whole day… Join us for our next Free Webinar (or watch the on demand version) and enjoy the feeling of being in charge of your life.

My PROMISE to you: You’ll get a step-by-step framework for becoming and staying highly focused, productive to reach any of your business or personal goals.

Plus some very surprising strategies you need to know about how to deal with multitasking, Eliminate energy suckers and set up failure proof plans.

After the webinar, you have the chance to sign up for our Productivity Club:

6 weeks Productivity Coaching Course

What do you get as a member of the Productivity

  1. 12 Strategies Manual, 30+ pages
  2. Exercises, with the best productivity tools available on the market
  3. 6 weeks Coaching Course
  4. 1hr private Coaching Session to address any of your current individual challenges
  5. Weekly group facilitation with 1 hr group meeting, max. 10 participants
  6. Accountability Partner
  7. WhatsApp Group for weekly inspiration
  8. Final Certificate
  9. Advantage Option for Membership Extension

Imagine these benefits after the 6 weeks you will experience due to the course material, interactive learning, weekly repetition and review. Just new “information” is not enough. Additionally, you have the opportunity of an 1hr Private Coaching Session with Master Life Transformation Coach Falk Winter to address any personal / professional challenge you currently have. Most important: You
will also have an Accountability Partner who will ensure that you do what you said you will do. This is one of the most important features of the Productivity Club. We all need a little nudge to keep going – this will guarantee your success.

As a member of the Productivity Club, you will be able to:

  • Initiate Crystal Clear Concentration
  • Eliminate your Energy Vampires and train your mind to be focused in a Laser like fashion.
  • Produce limitless Energy and Enthusiasm
  • Receive the benefits of dopamine rushes after the each task and utilize your Energy Cycles.
  • Implement Intelligent Habits and get rid of unwanted habits
  • Put your Success on autopilot by maximising your strengths and installing new routines.

We look forward to seeing you at the next free live webinar, or you watch the webinar on demand
and contact us for fast speed membership.

Productivity Club

Weekly Calls, Instant Access, and Downloads



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